FOCUS 2020 Goals

FOCUS 2020 Goals

  • FOCUS 2020 is a multi-year program that builds upon MEGlobal’s previous sustainability success. The goals of FOCUS 2020 were developed with input from employees, management and our community. The program ensures that our Responsible Care® values are reflected in all areas of our business, to benefit our company, our customers and our community.


    FOCUS 2020 brings renewed focus and energy to three key areas:


    • Maximize EH&S performance
    • Minimize our environmental footprint
    • Enhance our social performance


    MEGlobal is a Target Zero company, with a vision of zero incidents, zero injuries and zero harm to the environment.



  • Social Performance 2020 Targets

    Our commitment to sustainability includes being accountable and responsive while enhancing the quality of life in our community. Our social performance targets include:



    • Employee engagement top quartile performance
    • Community investment
    • Community and stakeholder outreach
    • Promoting local hiring