Responsible Care: Ethic & Principles for Sustainability

Ethic & Principles for Sustainability

  • MEGlobal is committed to doing the right thing, and to be seen while doing so. We dedicate ourselves, our technology and our business practices to sustainability – the betterment of society, the environment and the economy. The principles of Responsible Care are key to our business success, and compel us to:


    • work for the improvement of people’s lives and the environment, while striving to do no harm;
    • be accountable and responsive to the public, especially our local communities, who have the right to understand the risks and benefits of what we do;
    • take preventative action to protect health and the environment;
    • innovate for safer products and processes that conserve resources and provide enhanced value;
    • engage with our business partners to ensure the stewardship and security of our products, services and raw materials throughout their life-cycles;
    • understand and meet expectations for social responsibility;
    • work with all stakeholders for public policy and standards that enhance sustainability, act to advance legal requirements and meet or exceed their letter and spirit;
    • promote awareness of Responsible Care, and inspire others to commit to these principles.